Strange behavior on different JVM
Максим Ларин
2018-03-22 12:58:44 UTC
Hello everyone!

I have got a problem with using Google Guava in test project. I have
configured a module with binding singletone implementation to an interface
with wrong module configuration. Something like below described:

public interface Helper {
void a();

and implementation:

public class HelperImpl implements Helper{
public void a() { ...}
private HelperImpl () {}
private static Helper instance = new HelperImpl();

public HelperImpl getInstance(){
return instance;

and Module:


Expected behavior: Could not find a suitable constructor in Helper. Classes
must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with @Inject
<https://github.com/inject> or a zero-argument constructor that is not

Actual behavior: Application started on local JVM is instantiated without
error(*I cant understand why there is no error?*). Application started on
remote JVM is failed with expected error message(*correct behavior*)

Are there ideas why it is so unpredictable? May be local JVM has another
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